Foxcall Microphone Setup Tips

All Versions

You want to Enable the microphone input on your sound card and turn the volume up to ~90%. You do this using the Recorder application. For *nix I have no idea, you'll have to use the man pages to figure it out.

Find your flavor of Windows below for Windows 2000, 98/ME. or NT for click by click instructions. 

XP Users: Your setup should be similar to 2000, but since I don't have XP, you'll have to figure it out on your own. 

Windows 2000

Start -> Settings -> Control -> Sounds and Multimedia

Audio -> Sound Recording -> Volume

Ensure Microphone is Selected and the volume up to ~90%.

Click the Advanced button if you have one:

Select +20dB Gain or similar if it's on your property sheet. This will vary from sound card to sound card.

Your done!

Windows 98/ME

Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Multimedia ->Sound Recorder (or similar)

Edit ->  Audio Properties


Click on the Advanced Sound Recording button


Ensure Microphone is Selected and the volume up to ~90%.

Your Done!

Windows NT

Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Multimedia ->Recorder (or similar)

Edit -> Audio Properties

Turn up the volume Volume ~90%

Your Done!